Friday, June 22, 2012

Thanks Everyone!

We just finished the free promotion for Without A Hitch and the turn out was unbelievable! Seriously. I hope everyone who downloaded the book enjoys it. Please feel free to leave a review (even if you didn't like it) or send me an e-mail with your thoughts. And don't forget to tell your friends!


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Great read, Andrew!

I tried reading a few chapters before bed.

Yeah. Right. There was no way I was gonna get any sleep until I finished your story, LOL!

Well done! I enjoyed it immensely!

AndrewPrice said...

USS Ben, Thanks! I'm thrilled you liked it! :)

Any thoughts you want to share?

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Aye, I'm still thinking about your story, LOL!

Always good to leave your readers wantin' more. But not too much. I think you struck a good balance. :^)

There's a lot of depth here. I'm gonna hafta reread it soon and see if I can touch the bottom.

Brilliant, yet simple crime. Of course, people always complicate things, LOL.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, That's great to hear! I gave this one a lot of layers and there's so much going on. Please let me know if you see more the second time through!

The other book, by the way, (Wrongful Death) isn't as layered as this one because the story is more complex. But I think it's an effective mystery and it gives you a very accurate peek into the world of the small practitioner and the kinds of difficulties attorneys struggle with as they try to figure out what really happened to their clients.

Alton said...

Never trust your friends to be as crooked as you are. A very good read and I read sometimes 10. hours a day. I can run the battery down on my I Pad

AndrewPrice said...

Alton, Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Great way to say it too -- never trust your friends to be as crooked as you are! :)